Results: East Coast Wrestling Entertainment, 10/06/13, from, College Park, GA
After a late start, 7:15pm, the East Coast Wrestling Entertainment Sunday night at the Brady Center in College Park showed real potential with their regular mix of young, talent and some of Georgia's best wrestlers plus a couple big surprises. The crowd was near 100 with a good show of, now closed, Rampage Pro Wrestling fans in attendance to see some of their favorite stars. Former RPW wrestlers AJ Steele, Zac Edwards, BFF (Marvelous Michael Stevens & Adorable Anthony Andrews) and Drew Adler all play prominent roles in promotion.
In fast paced opening match, De ATLien & Stitch Sypher defeated The Outlaws (Axel Ross & Rick Ryan) in 7 minutes;
"Alabama's Highest Paid Professional Athlete" Stupid (w/Tweety) pulled out all the tricks to defeat "The Innovator" So Fine Frankie Valentine, Tweety distracted the referee just long enough for Stupid to gain advantage and he pinned Valentine at the 11 minute mark;
Gladius cut a promo prior to the next match declaring that ECWE was his home and talked up the support of the promoter and the fans;
The next match was a fatal three way match pitting Gladius against Dynamite Pegasus and Blackheart. With his mohawk in full effect and the crowd support behind him, Blackheart was the victor pinning Dynamite Pegasus in 13:10;
The fourth match was a battle between Adorable Anthony Andrews and Drew Adler; There were plenty of hi-jinks to start the match with Adler strutting around in Andrew's glittery jacket and a long "chicken head" chant from the crowd;
After almost 15 minutes of solid wrestling, Adler picked up the victory, pinning Andrews after hitting a series of monstrous kicks;
After a short intermission, Pandora & Marvelous Michael Stevens made their way for the scheduled mixed tag-team match to a mixed reaction from the crowd. The Rampage regulars are popping for everyone they are familiar with. Pandora stalked the crowd at ringside and teased a few of the UIW faithful that are always in attendance whenever Valentine (and even Stupid) are on the card. Zac Edwards & Nina Monet were received in similar fashion but Pandora's reaction was not as welcoming. She didn't wait for the opening bell and went straight for Nina Monet. Fun match with proof positive that the women were not scared to mix it up with the men.
Pandora pins Nina Monet at 15:30 into the match. The fans gave a huge cheer for Nina & Zac as they left although a couple of fans managed to get under Edward's skin on the way out. (My pick for match of the night)
Next up was the 2nd ECWE Heavyweight Championship Battle Rumble. The winner of the match will face the winner of the previous battle royal, Drew Adler, at an upcoming show in a battle for the inaugural ECWE Heavyweight Championship. The battle royal included everyone on the card (except Adler) plus ECWE Xtreme wrestlers, Night and Harts, along with surprise entrant Marko;
Night, Harts & Stitch Sypher opened things up with another wrestler entering the ring every 60 seconds. The action was intense but turned up a notch when AJ Steele bolted to the ring mid way into the match. It looked as if he would rule the roost if Axel Ross had not been there to offer some resistance. Ross, Marko, Stitch Sypher and AJ Steele were the final four men in the ring. Sypher went out followed by Ross leaving Marko and AJ battling for the title shot. Steele and Marko were both primed for the opportunity but AJ's intensity was unstoppable and he tossed Marko over the top rope.
The crowd went crazy with the former Rampage fans bowing in unison to AJ Steele. Mr Hollywood made his way to the ring with the ECWE Heavyweight Championship belt and raised Steele's hand in victory. Drew Adler joined the two in the ring. AJ made his intentions clear, he was going to win be the first ever ECWE Heavyweight Champion. Mr Hollywood was about to let the crowd know when that match would take place when chaos erupted.
Bill the Butcher & King Konga stormed the ring and viciously attacked Adler & AJ Steele. Most of the crowd were stunned and had no idea who the men were. Bill the Butcher nailed AJ Steele with his steel chain covered fist. The Butcher then surprised the unprepared Drew Adler and attacked him in the middle of the ring. King Konga took advantage if the situation and tossed AJ Steele like a rag doll over the top rope. The two silent monsters destroyed the fan favorites in a matter of minutes and the crowd was enthralled.
Mr Hollywood was hysterical and screamed for anyone within earshot to come help. It wasn't until the entire locker room arrived that the two giants headed to the back. But Mr Hollywood has one last thing for everyone and laid the challenge out for the two silent giants to return on November 3rd to face Adler & AJ Steele in a tag team match. The crowd bought into the match and the deal was sealed.
Most of the RPW faithful hung around to make sure AJ & Drew were ok and gave them a standing ovation as the left fort the locker room.
Just another rainy night in Georgia.
More information the upcoming ECWE shows will be released soon.